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Hi Friend!


I’m Goodwin:) Or as many people like to call me “Goods” 


The founder of Self Love Mastery. I am a certified Holistic Health Coach, Life Coach, healer, personal development junkie and have a Bachelors of Science in Wellness Specialization. 


I help women release self doubt and quit people-pleasing so they can confidently live in their unlimited potential. 


A couple years ago I received multiple concussions due to athletic injuries. I was living in depression, chronic pain and victimhood. I was so confused on why life was happening “to” me and why I was living life for others’ approval. 


I would make sure everyone else's needs were met before ever considering my own. I would give and give until I was completely exhausted and burnt out. Even when I was deeply struggling, I was always the go-to friend for advice and support. 


I would numb my emotions with food, alcohol, weed and boys hoping to find some sort of validation. I was searching for love in everything else but myself. 


My confidence was nowhere to be found and I felt lost in who I was and where I was headed. It was there where I found myself at rock bottom. 


It wasn't until I took radical responsibility for my life and made the conscious decision to enroll in my Holistic Health Coaching certification. It was the first decision I made for myself while listening to my intuition and needs. 


I started to apply sustainable practices every single day. I began to journal, practice yoga, meditate and participate in breathwork daily. I learned how to prioritize my needs and energy by setting healthy boundaries in my relationships. 


I was cultivating abundance in all aspects of my life, a fulfilling career, like minded community, self love and the freedom to be authentically me. 


I took aligned action toward my dreams by continually checking in on myself. I started to establish a rock solid confidence by putting myself in uncomfortable situations. I began to recognize that life happens “for” me and searched for the lesson in every event. I even received another head injury by falling 15 feet in a rock climbing accident. 


The old Goodwin would have spiraled into victimhood but it was in those months where I took my power back and started my own Life Coaching Business, called Goodwin Hope:).  I took on my first client while in my undergrad and shortly after, I graduated and moved across the country to my dream state of Montana, where I currently reside with my pup Oakley.


I took myself from living in victimhood to embodying my most empowered, confident and aligned self. I pursue my mission daily of helping people unlock their unlimited potential.


I was once so confused on how to live in abundance and confidently own who I am. After hiring mentors, taking aligned action and pursuing growth day after day, I now have the passion, tools and knowledge to help you create the life of your dreams. 


And I want the same for you. It is your god-given right to access everything that you are meant for. I want to help you create a life of fulfillment and live in complete confidence with who you are. 


I cannot wait to watch you flourish and transform. Self Love Mastery is designed to teach you everything you need to know about living the life you know you are meant for. 


I am here to unconditionally love and support you. 


I am here to watch you transform your life into everything you desire it to be 


I am here to witness your bold and beautiful confidence 


Are you ready to transform?




the founder of self love mastery.

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I know what it’s like to know you are meant for more and be ready to make the change but having no idea where to start....


This 90 day program is the consolidation of THREE YEARS of trial and error, saving you the grunt work and the guess work in order to collapse time and bring you the life you deserve

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