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For those who know they are meant for more.

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Do you want to show up everyday with confidence and fulfillment while living your life with a purpose for you?

Learn how to live in your unlimited potential and be the woman you know you are meant to be.

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You could release the opinions of others, comparison, self doubt and self judgement

You were so confident in yourself that you didn’t seek others’ approval 

You were to support others from a place of abundance and not exhaustion or emptiness

You felt worthy enough to prioritize your own needs first 

You felt motivated to implement the changes you desire 


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What if you released ALL the beliefs that are holding you back 

What if you had a support system that truly understands you 

What if you lived your life as your most evolved self 

What if you felt aligned in your purpose

What if you had rock solid confidence



​​Self Love Mastery will guide you to the life you know you are meant for



You're in the driver seat and I am in the passenger seat. It is time to finally take the wheel and live your life for you. 


Self Love Mastery will take you through everything you need to know on how to go from an exhausted over-giver to a fully embodied confident woman. 


You will learn how to release limiting beliefs and stories that no longer serve you while becoming aware of past conditioning so you can uncover who you truly are. 


Ultimately, I will help you become the woman you know you are meant to be. 


This program is a complete life transformation journey by letting go of what is holding you back, remembering who you are, creating who you want to become and knowing how to embody that person every day. 


Self Love Mastery provides a step-by-step proven system to accelerate your growth + evolution. 


You will learn how to take aligned action toward your goals, embody the highest version of yourself and live your life with confidence. 


To ensure your life changing transformation, Self Love Mastery was founded off these three powerful pillars: Education, Implementation and Accountability. 


I am here to fully support you. I am ready to watch you take life by the steering wheel and unlock your unlimited potential. 


I have the map. All you need to do is get in the car. 


Let’s go for a ride.

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You put everyone else's needs before your own


You second guess yourself and your worth 


You know you aren't living up to your full potential 


You love personal development but haven't seen any real change in your life 


You struggle to maintain the consistency and motivation toward your goals



Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls:

Every week for 12 weeks, we spend an hour diving deep into how I can best support you and your growth. 

Weekly Accountability Calls:

​​​Once a week you will join a group call with the other women in the program, where you will be held accountable to your highest self.

Video Modules

This educational piece to the program entails 10 detailed modules that walk you through your transformation. 


These step-by-step detailed guides help you unlock your full potential. Some examples are journal prompts, energy trackers, self-talk audits, highest self guides, communication workshops and so much more.

Supportive Community

Ensuring that you are never alone in this process, you will be surrounded by women on a similar liberating journey and you will have unlimited text support. 



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Introducing the map to self love: 


You will follow my signature process on releasing beliefs that are holding you back so you can create affirming beliefs that are rooted in your truth


You will become in touch with your intuition so you are able to source your validation internally and not search for it externally. You will become aware of your self-doubt and negative self-talk patterns and by having a system to create empowering thoughts.


You will actively create the women you are meant to be by coming home to yourself and recognizing the truth to who you are. In this step you will create your Highest Self Guide.

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Self Care

You will receive a scientific and psychological understanding of self-care along with creating powerful morning and evening rituals. You will learn how to listen to your needs by following my Self Care Library so you can participate in supportive routines instead of self-sabotage. 


This is where you will become a master of your energy. You will establish loving, firm boundaries in all of your relationships. You will learn how to prioritize your needs by listening to your body and meeting its needs with love and acceptance. 


You will learn how to fully embody and step into your most confident and evolved self daily. By using customized practices you will understand how your Highest Self feels, walks, talks, thinks and breathes, so that becomes your reality. 


Live the life you are meant for.



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Have the motivation and consistency to create impactful changes that allow you to show up as your highest self 

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Release the beliefs and opinions of others, finally living your life on your own terms 

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Give from a place of overflow and not exhaustion by creating a Self-Care Library by knowing what drains and gives you energy

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Have a lifetime system to release limiting beliefs and self-doubt when they come up and becoming unshakable; no matter what happens you are solid in who you are

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Embody a radiant confidence by becoming completely aligned with your purpose and who you are meant to be 

"I looked forward to our calls every week! I felt very poured into and comfortable and really enjoyed the homework and modules that we did. It was like having a best friend whose only intention was to just help me grow."



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Hey Sunshine, 


I see and acknowledge your dedication to growth, 


And that is why I am so grateful you are here. 


My name is Goodwin! Your future coach and mentor. 


I know exactly what it is like to live your life knowing you are meant for more. 


You are the supporter. You make sure that everyone else's needs are met before you even think about your own. You find it so easy to fill other people’s cups but have a hard time filling yours.


You have this feeling deep down inside of you that what you are doing right now is not how you want to live the rest of your life. 


But every time you try to implement new changes and habits you end up falling off the wagon and meeting yourself with self-doubt and judgment. 


You feel different than everyone else because you recognize you are searching for something greater, but you don’t know how to access it. 


Whether you're the go-to friend, a mom, teacher or self-development junkie, I understand and have been in your shoes. 


I know how exhausting it can be to always prioritize others before yourself. 


I was once living my life for other people. Constantly putting their needs before my own and in return my confidence greatly suffered. I was depressed, deeply unfulfilled, exhausted, confused and lost. 


I would search for validation externally by numbing myself with food, alcohol, weed and boys (not a fun time). 


It was not until I invested in myself and became a certified Holistic Health Coach in order to help people unlock the unlimited potential.


It was the first real decision I made for myself without considering what anyone else thought of it. I began to take aligned action toward the life of my dreams and actively create the woman I wanted to become. 


I healed my relationship with food, started a business, graduated college, invested in a coach, moved to my dream state and surrounded myself with like minded people. All within two years. 


This is how the Self Love Mastery was born. This program is designed to collapse time so you can live in your full potential. No more guessing games, confusion or unfulfillment. 


It is time to become clear on who you are, live with confidence and fulfillment and show up as your highest, most evolved self. 


Let’s get in the car. You are in the driver seat, actively creating and becoming who you are meant to be. I'll be in the passenger seat unconditionally loving and supporting you along the way. Oh…. and don't worry, I'll have the road map with us, guiding you to your full potential. 


Let’s go for a ride.

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